The Connection of Ectopic Pregnancies, Miscarriages, Stillbirths, Abortions and Ancestral Bloodlines

The Connection of Ectopic Pregnancies, Miscarriages, Stillbirths, Abortions and Ancestral Bloodlines

Miscarriages are a heartbreaking event that many families experience and often feel like they are alone in. The connection between miscarriages and ancestral bloodlines is a fascinating subject that has been studied for decades. It is believed that miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, stillbirths, and abortions can all affect the ancestral bloodlines and new births in families. Furthermore, it is possible that trauma or difficult emotions associated with these medical conditions can be passed down from generation to generation, leading to a need for womb healing in some families.

Ectopic Pregnancies
24 years ago, I suffered an ectopic pregnancy. It was an extremely rare event as the pregnancy had progressed almost into the 2nd trimester. I was 4 months postpartum with my son and this pregnancy was unexpected. After my pregnancy was confirmed, I began bleeding a day later. The bleeding progressed for a few days and I assumed the pregnancy miscarried. However, over the next few weeks, my pregnancy symptoms progressed and I called my OB/GYN to inform him. I set an appointment and saw him the next day. A blood test was ordered to test the amount of H.C.G. hormone in my blood. the next day I took one of the two blood tests ordered and a day later there was a significant amount of H.C.G. hormone in the blood - the following blood test showed a decrease and I was informed a sonogram was needed. I can remember this day as it happened a few hours ago. I didn't want to go for the sonogram, I had a new baby and needed to pick up my 5-year-old from school. I decided to go for my appointment and thank goodness I did. I was just about 10.5 weeks pregnant with an embryo growing in the left fallopian tube. Unfortunately, there was still a heartbeat and I was bleeding internally. My husband told me I died on the table. The team of doctors saved my life by transfusing my own blood to me as there was no time to get blood from the hospital blood bank. Thank God for Dr. Allan H. Hewitt, Ibaye Tonu.

I was able to conceive again and gave birth to a healthy baby girl five years later - delivered by Dr. Hewitt. She would be the last child of mine he delivered. This was 19 years ago. Today, there are abortion bans in a few states that have muddled laws concerning ectopic pregnancy treatment. An untreated ectopic pregnancy can result in the death of the mother. The embryo is not viable, as it cannot grow in an environment outside of the uterus. Although an ectopic pregnancy is not hereditary, the risk factors leading up to this type of pregnancy include pelvic inflammatory disease, smoking, fallopian tube surgery, previous ectopic pregnancy, and being over the age of 35. It's important for women who have suffered from ectopic pregnancies to prioritize their womb health. This can be done through regular check-ups with their OB/GYN and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For those who have undergone treatment for ectopic pregnancies, there may be a need for "womb healing" to address any physical or emotional trauma. The impact of an ectopic pregnancy may also be felt in future pregnancies, as scar tissue from surgery or damage to the fallopian tubes can increase the risk of another ectopic pregnancy. It's important for women to work closely with their medical professionals to ensure the best possible womb health and future pregnancy outcomes.
Next, let's talk about miscarriages.

One of the questions a client asked recently is "Can you be genetically inclined to experience multiple miscarriages?" The short answer - yes. It is theoretically possible to have a tendency for miscarriage and for this to run in families - especially within the maternal line. Although there are a few cases that stem from the paternal line. However, it doesn't mean that you have a higher-than-average risk of miscarriage.

Researchers believe that the majority of miscarriages are due to chromosomal problems in the sperm or egg at the moment of conception.

A co-worker of mine suffered from multiple miscarriages. The doctors found a disorder that causes an increased tendency to miscarry and such conditions can run in families and be passed on to a child. However, as a diviner and practitioner within an African Traditional Religion, I have discovered some of the issues are the result of a past issue concerning witchcraft, such as a curse placed upon the male bloodline by an enslaved woman who was repeatedly sexually assaulted or a woman who was wronged by her mate. This does happen, but definitely not part of medical science. Nonetheless, these issues are rarely thought about until a woman decides to consult with a diviner when all else has failed medically. It's also important to note that miscarriages can happen to anyone, regardless of whether or not they have a family history of it. Sometimes it's just a matter of chance. However, if you have experienced multiple miscarriages, it's always a good idea to seek medical attention to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

From an spiritual perspective, miscarriages can also be seen as a way for ancestors to communicate with their descendants. It's believed that the spirit of the unborn child may be carrying a message from the ancestral realm, whether it's a warning, guidance, or a request for a certain action to be taken. In this sense, a miscarriage can be viewed as a sign or an opportunity to connect with one's ancestral lineage and to receive messages or insights from them.

Furthermore, miscarriages can also have an impact on the bloodlines and future generations. If a woman has a genetic predisposition to miscarriage, there is a chance that her offspring may also inherit the same tendency. Additionally, the energy and trauma associated with a miscarriage can linger and affect future pregnancies, even if there is no genetic component involved. Therefore, it's important for individuals to address any spiritual or emotional wounds that may arise from a miscarriage, in order to prevent any negative impact on their future bloodlines.

The ancestral and spiritual connection to stillbirths is strong in many cultures. Some believe that the spirits of stillborn babies become ancestors and play a protective role in the family. Others believe that the stillborn child may have been born with a special purpose, such as being a guide for other family members or protecting the family from harm.

Regardless of cultural beliefs, stillbirths can have a significant impact on a family's future. Research has shown that mothers who experience stillbirth are at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. They may also have a higher risk of complications during future pregnancies, including preterm labor and low birth weight.

From an ancestral perspective, the loss of a stillborn child can also affect future generations. It can disrupt the flow of energy and information that is passed down through the family line, leading to emotional and physical issues in the bloodlines.

Despite the emotional and spiritual significance of stillbirth, many families find it difficult to talk about their experiences and may not receive the support they need to heal. It is important for healthcare providers, family members, and communities to provide a supportive environment for those who have experienced stillbirth and to honor the memory of these precious souls.

Abortions are another medical condition that can have a significant impact on both the individual and the ancestral bloodline. Unlike miscarriages and stillbirths, abortions are intentionally induced to end a pregnancy. While the decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal one, it can still have repercussions that extend beyond the individual.

Studies have shown that there is a possible link between abortion and future fertility issues. While it is important to note that many individuals who have had abortions are able to go on to have healthy pregnancies, there is some evidence that suggests that repeated abortions may lead to a higher risk of infertility.

In terms of ancestral bloodlines, abortions can also have a significant impact. Culturally speaking, having children is seen as a way to carry on the family lineage. When a pregnancy is ended, it can be seen as breaking the continuity of the family line. Unfortunately, without family and community support - especially in the West, factors such as poverty, access to healthcare, relationship issues, personal beliefs, and values significantly impact a woman's decision to terminate a pregnancy.


How can a woman and her partner heal from the effects of miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, and ectopic pregnancy? What can be done to ensure the healing of the bloodline? Especially due to various religious aspects. Besides energy work on the sacral and heart chakras for the mother - what can be done for the healing of her partner? What about the baby that was lost? How can their energy and presence be honored and acknowledged within the family's ancestral lineage? These are important questions to consider as many cultures and belief systems place a strong emphasis on lineage and ancestry.

One way to begin the healing process is to seek out support and guidance from a trusted spiritual or religious advisor. They can offer prayers, rituals, or ceremonies that honor the baby and help to release any unresolved emotions or trauma. Additionally, therapy and counseling can be helpful for both the mother and partner to process their emotions and feelings surrounding the loss.
It's important to also focus on physical healing, as the body may need time to recover after a miscarriage, stillbirth, or ectopic pregnancy. A healthy diet, exercise, and proper medical care can aid in this process. This can also help to prepare the body for future pregnancies.

Ultimately, healing from these medical conditions and their impact on ancestral bloodlines can be a journey that requires patience, self-care, and compassion. By seeking support and taking the time to process emotions and feelings, individuals and families can find a sense of peace and healing.

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