Collection: Doula & Lactation Services

Are you nervous about becoming a mom? Worried about the transition from one child to two or more? It doesn't need to be difficult or overwhelming. Our roles as birth & postpartum doulas are to provide full support to the new mom and help with overcoming anxiety, fear and worry. We are here to "mother" you, so you can mother your newborn.  A new mother's mental, emotional and physical health is very important.  

Why hire a birth doula? 

Research has shown mothers who hire a birth doula are 1) less likely to use pitocin 2) less likely to use pain medications 3) feel supported and heard during the birthing process 

Why hire a postpartum doula?

Research has shown that new parents have an easier time transitioning into their roles with a solid support team in place. Postpartum doulas provide evidence-based information on basic newborn care, infant soothing, mother-child bonding, emotional and physical recovery from childbirth and more.

New York State Medicaid Doula Services and Insurance Reimbursement

With the New York State Doula Pilot Program, doula services are listed as preventative care and is covered by Medicaid.  If you are not a Medicaid recipient, you are eligible for reimbursement by your insurance provider if you provide an invoice and letter of medical necessity. Your doctor must sign the letter after you have filled it out. The letter can be obtained directly from your insurance company.

Before booking a package, please schedule a short consultation.  You will receive an assessment via email to be completed and returned.
Doula & Lactation Services